How to adjust the Size of Photos in the PDF | MoreApp

Personalise the PDF report by adjusting the standard photo or signature size to your personal liking.

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1. Turn on the Advanced mode

Once you have logged into the MoreApp Platform create or select your work order form and click on Edit Form. When you have finished the form, you can turn on the Advanced mode in the Email tab.

After you switch on the Advanced settings of the Email, modifications in your form are not updated automatically in the PDF report. When you add a new widget to your form, manually add the widget in the PDF report using HTML code or click on Reset attachment in the bottom right corner of the Email tab.

MoreApp will update the new widgets in the order of their places in your form. 

2. Adjust the photo size

Scroll up in the Email tab. You can find the Code View (</>) in the PDF settings. The HTML code automatically becomes visible after you have clicked on (</>).

Firstly, search in the HTML code (ctrl + f for Windows / cmd + f for Mac) for the Data name of the Photo-widget. The 200px by 200px represents the current photo width and photo height of the standard generated PDF file. You can adjust the photo size to a size of your liking, for example, 100px by 100px or 400px by 400px.

3. Test the form

Test the new PDF settings by refreshing the app in the folder overview and filling in a form. You can repeat the process until you have found a photo size that fits your personal needs and wants!


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