How to position Widgets in your PDF | MoreApp

Use MoreApp's Advanced mode to elevate PDF report configuration. Enable it to position widgets exactly where you want in the PDF 

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1. Position widgets 

If you want a widget to be in another position in your PDF report than in your form, you can move the 4 lines of code to another position in the Code View. Every widget consists of 4 lines, here is an example of how the code will appear for a Number-widget.

<tr class="${_hideWhenEmpty(machineNummer)}">
  <td class="more-field-label">Machine number</td>

Once you've found the 4 lines of code of the widget that you would like to reposition, copy that code and paste it into the position you would like it to be. 

2. Congratulations! 

You have successfully repositioned a widget in your PDF report.


  • Only enable the advanced mode once you're finished with your form. When in advanced mode and you update your form, the PDF will not show the modifications. Also, make sure that you save a copy of your HTML code. When clicking on Reset attachment the PDF will reset to the code based on the content of the form and you cannot restore your modified HTML code.
  •  It's not possible to copy and paste the HTML code of a widget, which is located in the subform,  to the main form. 


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