How to Preview your Form | MoreApp

Would you like to preview your form without publishing it? Check it out with the Preview feature!

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1. Forms 

Go to the Forms page in the MoreApp Platform, create a new form or select an existing one. 

Note: Make sure you click on Generate direct URL in order to benefit from this feature. 


2. Adjust form 

Click, in the upper right corner, on Edit Form. Use the Form Builder to configure your form.

3. Preview your form

Click, in the upper right corner, on Preview. You will be directed to the preview of the form in your browser. You can see how your form looks and you can test if your rules are working correctly. 

Note: When clicking on Preview your changes will automatically be saved. 

In order to publish the form, click Save & Publish.

Note: If you are in your Trial period, you do not have access to this feature. In order to test your forms, you will need to use the App. 

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