How to Use the Direct URL | MoreApp

Do you want to share your form with your team or customers? Check this post to know more about the Direct URL functionality.

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Note: If you are in your Trial period, you can not work with the Direct URL of the form. You will need to use the App to fill in your forms.

1. Generate the URL

Once you are logged into the Platform, go to the Overview of a form. Under the Sharing section, click on Generate direct URL. A new link will be created for this specific form.

This URL ensures that people who do not have a MoreApp account can still fill in the form. Since the user does not need to log in, the administrators cannot see who completed the form.  

When the recipients open the link, they can complete the form. The data directly appears on the Registrations tab of that form and is ready to be exported.

Note: When there is no internet connection the direct URL can't be used.

2. Delete the direct URL

If you want to remove the URL of a form, you just need to click on the trash icon next to Generate direct URL

The warning screen appears. If you want to revoke the direct URL click on OK

The direct URL will no longer be available.If you want to generate a new direct URL click on Generate direct URL

Note: The new direct URL of the form will be different.

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