How to add your Payment Method | MoreApp

Read how to add an automatic payment method to your account.

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1. Go to Billing

Log in to the MoreApp Platform and open the Billing page, which is on the lower left side of the screen.

2. Go to Payment Method

Go to the Payment Method section and click Add Payment Method.

3. Select Payment Method

A new pop-up window will appear in which you can choose between the two payment methods: Credit Card and SEPA Direct Debit.

3.1 Credit Card

If you want to use a credit card as your payment method, click the Credit Card icon and fill in the required information.


3.2 SEPA Direct Debit

If you want to use SEPA Direct Debit as your payment method, click the SEPA Direct Debit icon and fill in the required information.



4. Congratulations!

Your invoices will be paid automatically!

Where can you download your invoices? Read more!

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