How to hide a Folder in the App | MoreApp

A frequent user of tasks? To avoid confusion, you can hide a folder in the App. This way users have to go to the Tasks tab in the App. 

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1. Hide the Folder

To start, log in to the MoreApp Platform. Make sure the users have access to the folder. Click on the folder name of the folder you would like to hide. Click on the gear icon

Now, the Settings tab of the folder appears. Click on Hide in app and click on Close.

In the overview, you will see which folders are hidden. An eye icon will appear next to the name of the folder.

2. Go to the App

Open the App or the Web App. Go to the Folders tab and refresh the page. As you can see, the folder is hidden. Now users have to go to the Tasks tab in the App to find their forms. 

If you want to see the folder again uncheck the Hide in app function again.

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