How to send an Email when Action is needed | MoreApp

Sending an email only when a specific action is needed, can be done easy and fast!

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1. Add a Radio-widget

Once you have logged into the MoreApp Platform go to your inspection form and click on Edit Form. Add the Radio-widget and by clicking on the pencil you can edit the widget, by Options you can name the labels of the action. You can name the two options or you can add more actions.


2. Add email addresses

Check the Advanced mode box of the properties screen of the Radio-widget. Fill in the email address at the Value and the action or name at the Value in PDF.

Note: You can only add 1 email address per Value field.

3. Add the recipient

Under the Email tab add the Radio-widget as a recipient by clicking on Add recipient and choose the Radio-widget you just added, this ensures that the person chosen receives the email. Then click on Save

4. Congratulations!

You have successfully added a Radio-widget with email addresses to send an email to the recipient when an action is needed!


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