Support Contract | MoreApp

We assist customers globally with digitising forms or consulting our Technical team. Our Support Contract has you covered. Learn more here!

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For who? 
  • Customers
  • Partners
Why would you use a Support Contract?
  • Expert Assistance

Our professional form builders will take over the creation, modification, and optimisation of your forms and reports, saving you time with top-quality results.

What does it apply to? 
  • Creating new forms or reports
  • Improving existing forms or reports
  • Technical and Strategical advice for workflow optimisation

What is the difference between Free and Support with a Contract?

  • Free Support

We assist you via chat, email or phone, guiding you on how to manage and optimise your forms with tutorials and tips.

  • Support with a Contract

When our team handles tasks such as configuring forms, creating rules, or setting up integrations, it falls under support with a contract. The time spent on these tasks is deducted from your Support Contract hours.

Note: If we discover a technical issue on our side while working on your request, it will not be counted against your Support Contract hours.

How do you know when the Support Contract is used?

Whenever our support team assists you, you will receive updates on the time spent and the remaining balance on your Support Contract. For example:

  • Time used: 30 minutes

  • Time remaining: 7 hours and 30 minutes

Note: The minimum chargeable time is 30 minutes.


Starting from €1.200 - for 8 hours*

*Valid for one year from invoice date

Are you interested?

Send us an email and we will arrange a meeting to discuss the Support Contract with you!