What Extras does MoreApp offer | MoreApp

MoreApp offers several services and add-ons you can use to optimise your form usage, such as the Branding module, Bootcamps and Consultancy.

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Service Explanation Price
Online Workshop Get off to a flying start with MoreApp. For beginners.     Free
Advanced Workshop

For customers who want to improve their Form Builder skills and learn more about MoreApp functionalities.


A tailor-made training where we build your form together.

1,200 EUR
  • 4 hours
  • 4 participants
Support contract

Help with digitising your forms, and all form specific questions plus support requests that involve our Tech team.     

1,200 EUR
  • 8 hours

Custom-made Starter Kit

Onboarding package to help your company implementing the use of digital forms.

1,200 EUR

  • 8 hours
  • Included from the yearly Tree plan


Add-on Explanation Price
Branding module

Replace the MoreApp logo and colour with your own.

4,950 EUR per year
  • Minimum 1 year
  • Starting from our Branch plan
Single Sign-On (SSO)

Manage your users in one place with Directory Synchronisation

250 EUR per month

  • Starting from our Tree plan

  • Included in the Forest plan