How to use the Form Builder Widgets | MoreApp

Create mobile forms easily with MoreApp's drag-and-drop Form Builder. Discover the widgets and their uses.

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Create and manage every form yourself using your computer. You can drag & drop a wide variety of our widgets, to build the most efficient form for your business. Our comprehensive online Form Builder is so simple to use that everyone can create professional digital business forms in no time. 

Having developed a wide variety of widgets, we are happy to explain them to you! What is the difference between the Image- and Photo-widget? When to use a Radio-widget? We answer these questions and many more. In the screenshots below you will find examples of widget use cases next to their editable properties that can be defined in the Form Builder. Open the Form Builder, drag & drop a widget into the form, click on the pencil to open the property screen of the widget, and go ahead with editing the widget to your own preference. 

Now let's take a detailed look at all the widgets that you can use, to build the forms that you need. 

Default widgets:


The Barcode-widget is quite self-explanatory. It allows users who are filling in a form, to scan a barcode using the device's camera. Use it to scan a QR, UPC, EAN, CODE_39, or any other barcode and capture it in your form. Scanning a barcode even gives you that all too familiar cashier sound, which is a lot of fun in itself. BEEP.


Use the Checkbox-widget to let users check or uncheck a question or statement. For example, if you want to ask whether the user wants to sign up for the monthly newsletter. Just one click and the Checkbox is selected. 


This widget is really easy to use. Especially when you check the now as default option. This way, the current date is automatically filled in when opening the form with MoreApp or via the direct URL. 

Date Time-widget

Only adding the date is not enough? With the Date Time-widget you can let your users select both the date and time at once!


This widget is only for adding the time to your form.


The Email-widget is used to collect valid email addresses which can be used to send the report to. To do this: add the email fields as dynamic recipients in the Email settings. This way your office or customer directly receives the report in their email inbox. Our tip: Check the remember input option if you often send the report to the same email address. 


When scrolling through a long inspection form, a header helps to recognise different sections in the form. The header also appears in the reports. In the property screen of the widget, you can choose the size of the header text. 


Are you familiar with HTML? If so, use the HTML-widget to add some custom markup to your form. Anything is possible! 


Use the Image-widget to show an image on your form. This is mostly used by our users to add their logo on top of the form or to add a descriptive picture needed during form filling. Click Select image to upload your logo or any another image. 


The Label-widget is used to simply add text as a divider in your form. 


The Radio-widget is the most used widget of our MoreApp users. Use the Radio-widget to let users choose one of your predefined values. You can only choose one answer and not multiple ones. Next, to adding text, you can also use images as selections in the Radio-widget. You can choose a default value, style the widget with a vertical or horizontal alignment, and choose if you want to remember the input from the last filled in form.

Fun Fact: The radio button got its name from the physical buttons used on older radios to select preset stations. When one of the buttons was pressed, other buttons would pop out, leaving only the pressed button in the "pushed in" position. 


Use the Lookup-widget to let users choose one (or more) of your predefined values. This differs from the Radio-widget visually, because with the Lookup-widget the selections are not directly visible. The other difference to the Radio-widget is that (optionally) the Lookup-widget allows you to choose multiple selections. You can add your selection possibilities and let MoreApp sort them alphabetically. 


When filling in a form, and clicking on a Number-widget, the standard numeric keypad automatically pops up on your device. The widget uses digit grouping. This means that dots or commas will be automatically added to separate the thousands. This is based on your device’s language settings. However, in the PDF output, the dots and commas are not visible.

Additionally, you can use inputs from Number-widgets to make calculations in your form. For example, summing up hours worked on multiple days. This can be done with the Calculation-widget.


  • When using iOS or Safari, be aware when adding letters to the Number-widget. The input will disappear.

  • The comma or dot is based on your device's language settings. If the device language is English, you can only enter dots. Values with commas will disappear.


This widget makes it possible to easily add a phone number to a form. As simple as that.


Use the Photo-widget to take a photo with the device's camera or add one from your photo library. The photos will appear as a thumbnail in the PDF reports and can be attached to the email.

Furthermore, we've added the possibility to choose the photo quality. Because most mail servers won’t allow you to send a mail that’s bigger than 19mb in total size, which for most emails, is more than enough. But if your form includes a lot of photos and you’ve chosen to attach them all to the email, you can quickly reach this limit. So play around with the photo quality and see what's best for you!

You can also define the filenames of photos, making it easier to identify them in Excel exports later on. If you want, you can use placeholders of other fields as filenames.


With the Pin-widget, you can specify positions on a map, floor plan, technical drawing, or photo! You can add the five available icon variations to the image as often as needed. You can add the image beforehand, add, or update it while filling in a form. 

License Plate (NL)-widget

Use the License Plate (NL)-widget to enter a Dutch license plate number. The App will always verify the license plate. You can not add invalid license plates or license plates from other countries.

The widget will then show additional information about the vehicle. For this widget, an internet connection is required for access to the additional information. The widget works offline. However, the validation will not be executed.


Draw a signature on the touchscreen of the device using your finger or a stylus pen.


Use the Slider-widget to select a value from your predefined value range. If you want to check out other options for defining your mood or a rating, we offer more similar widgets like this at the Pro widgets tab.


With a Subform-widget, it is possible to add as many Subforms as you like. The number of Subforms does not need to be defined. Use the Subform for example for adding photos or working days. If you want to build advanced inspection forms, you can also use subforms in subforms in subforms in sub...  


This widget is used to add a few words to a form. For example a name.  


Filling in complete sentences? Then drag & drop the Text-Area-widget into your form. This comes in handy for adding remarks. Delete the maximum length in properties to enable an unlimited number of characters. 

Pro widgets:


Search for imported data in your form. Import a data source and search for data from the data source by using the search-widget.


Calculate total costs or other values by adding, subtracting, multiplying, dividing, and finding an average of one or more numerical fields. Add a currency to your value if you are calculating costs. 


Import a list of products with their price so the user can fill in a shopping cart with your products. Choose to displays VAT, shows prices, uses barcode scanner, add images and more.

Current Location-widget

Automatically set your current location based on GPS coordinates. You can adjust the location. The output is the nearest address.


Make visual notes and draw on your photos or images to highlight a certain area. 


Add an external file to your form that can be accessed through a link generated by the app.


Add additional information to your widgets. When a user clicks on the Help-widget, a pop-up window will appear to explain the widget. 


Validate the IBAN account number with this widget.


Set a location on a specific point on the map. The output is an address and map.

Postcode NL-widget

Validate the Dutch postcode with this widget.


Add a price to the form. You can choose your preferred currency and decimal mark.


  • When using iOS or Safari, be aware when adding letters to the Number-widget. The input will disappear.

  • The comma or dot is based on your device's language settings. If the device language is English, you can only enter dots. Values with commas will disappear.

  • The output in the PDF is based on your decimal mark in the Properties of the widget.


Create a rating scale between 1 and 10 stars to rate any subject.

Read-only Text-widget

Obtain text from another form or widget, when using the Task integration. The users will not be able to adjust this text.


Create a rating scale based on face emojis to rate any subject.


Track the time in your form by using the in-built stopwatch. 

Time difference-widget

Calculate the difference in hours between two times.


Record or select a video to add to your form. The app will generate a URL to download the video.


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